Tanguy Pruvot 61ff92b5b4 never interrupt global benchmark with found nonces
fix some algo weird hashrates (like blake)
and reset device between algos, for better accuracy

but this reset doesnt seems enough to bench all algos correctly...

to test on linux, could be a driver issue...

heavy: fix first alloc and indent with tabs...
2015-11-01 21:12:50 +01:00

395 lines
11 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <map>
// include thrust if possible
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ == 5 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2 && CUDA_VERSION < 7000
#warning "Heavy: incompatible GCC version!"
#define USE_THRUST 0
#define USE_THRUST 1
#include <thrust/remove.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include "miner.h"
extern "C" {
#include "sph/sph_keccak.h"
#include "sph/sph_blake.h"
#include "sph/sph_groestl.h"
#include "hefty1.h"
#include "heavy/heavy.h"
#include "cuda_helper.h"
extern uint32_t *d_hash2output[MAX_GPUS];
extern uint32_t *d_hash3output[MAX_GPUS];
extern uint32_t *d_hash4output[MAX_GPUS];
extern uint32_t *d_hash5output[MAX_GPUS];
#define MNR_BLKHDR_SZ 80
// nonce-array für die threads
uint32_t *heavy_nonceVector[MAX_GPUS];
extern uint32_t *heavy_heftyHashes[MAX_GPUS];
/* Combines top 64-bits from each hash into a single hash */
static void combine_hashes(uint32_t *out, const uint32_t *hash1, const uint32_t *hash2, const uint32_t *hash3, const uint32_t *hash4)
const uint32_t *hash[4] = { hash1, hash2, hash3, hash4 };
int bits;
unsigned int i;
uint32_t mask;
unsigned int k;
/* Transpose first 64 bits of each hash into out */
memset(out, 0, 32);
bits = 0;
for (i = 7; i >= 6; i--) {
for (mask = 0x80000000; mask; mask >>= 1) {
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
out[(255 - bits)/32] <<= 1;
if ((hash[k][i] & mask) != 0)
out[(255 - bits)/32] |= 1;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
static uint32_t __inline bitsset( uint32_t x )
DWORD r = 0;
_BitScanReverse(&r, x);
return r;
static uint32_t bitsset( uint32_t x )
return 31-__builtin_clz(x);
// Finde das high bit in einem Multiword-Integer.
static int findhighbit(const uint32_t *ptarget, int words)
int i;
int highbit = 0;
for (i=words-1; i >= 0; --i)
if (ptarget[i] != 0) {
highbit = i*32 + bitsset(ptarget[i])+1;
return highbit;
// Generiere ein Multiword-Integer das die Zahl
// (2 << highbit) - 1 repräsentiert.
static void genmask(uint32_t *ptarget, int words, int highbit)
int i;
for (i=words-1; i >= 0; --i)
if ((i+1)*32 <= highbit)
ptarget[i] = UINT32_MAX;
else if (i*32 > highbit)
ptarget[i] = 0x00000000;
ptarget[i] = (1 << (highbit-i*32)) - 1;
struct check_nonce_for_remove
check_nonce_for_remove(uint64_t target, uint32_t *hashes, uint32_t hashlen, uint32_t startNonce) :
m_startNonce(startNonce) { }
uint64_t m_target;
uint32_t *m_hashes;
uint32_t m_hashlen;
uint32_t m_startNonce;
bool operator()(const uint32_t x)
// Position im Hash Buffer
uint32_t hashIndex = x - m_startNonce;
// Wert des Hashes (als uint64_t) auslesen.
// Steht im 6. und 7. Wort des Hashes (jeder dieser Hashes hat 512 Bits)
uint64_t hashValue = *((uint64_t*)(&m_hashes[m_hashlen*hashIndex + 6]));
bool res = (hashValue & m_target) != hashValue;
//printf("ndx=%x val=%08x target=%lx\n", hashIndex, hashValue, m_target);
// gegen das Target prüfen. Es dürfen nur Bits aus dem Target gesetzt sein.
return res;
static bool init[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 };
int scanhash_heavy(int thr_id, struct work *work, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done, uint32_t maxvote, int blocklen)
uint32_t *pdata = work->data;
uint32_t *ptarget = work->target;
const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[19];
// CUDA will process thousands of threads.
uint32_t throughput = cuda_default_throughput(thr_id, (1U << 19) - 256);
if (init[thr_id]) throughput = min(throughput, max_nonce - first_nonce);
int rc = 0;
uint32_t *hash = NULL;
uint32_t *cpu_nonceVector = NULL;
int nrmCalls[6];
memset(nrmCalls, 0, sizeof(int) * 6);
if (opt_benchmark)
ptarget[7] = 0x000f;
// für jeden Hash ein individuelles Target erstellen basierend
// auf dem höchsten Bit, das in ptarget gesetzt ist.
int highbit = findhighbit(ptarget, 8);
uint32_t target2[2], target3[2], target4[2], target5[2];
genmask(target2, 2, highbit/4+(((highbit%4)>3)?1:0) ); // SHA256
genmask(target3, 2, highbit/4+(((highbit%4)>2)?1:0) ); // keccak512
genmask(target4, 2, highbit/4+(((highbit%4)>1)?1:0) ); // groestl512
genmask(target5, 2, highbit/4+(((highbit%4)>0)?1:0) ); // blake512
if (!init[thr_id])
hefty_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
sha256_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
keccak512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
groestl512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
blake512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
combine_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&heavy_nonceVector[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t) * throughput));
init[thr_id] = true;
// weird but require at least one cudaSetDevice first
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMallocHost(&hash, (size_t) 32 * throughput));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMallocHost(&cpu_nonceVector, sizeof(uint32_t) * throughput));
if (blocklen == HEAVYCOIN_BLKHDR_SZ)
uint16_t *ext = (uint16_t*) &pdata[20];
if (opt_vote > maxvote && !opt_benchmark) {
applog(LOG_WARNING, "Your block reward vote (%hu) exceeds the maxvote reported by the pool (%hu).",
opt_vote, maxvote);
if (opt_trust_pool && opt_vote > maxvote) {
applog(LOG_WARNING, "Capping block reward vote to maxvote reported by pool.");
ext[0] = maxvote;
ext[0] = opt_vote;
// Setze die Blockdaten
hefty_cpu_setBlock(thr_id, throughput, pdata, blocklen);
sha256_cpu_setBlock(pdata, blocklen);
keccak512_cpu_setBlock(pdata, blocklen);
groestl512_cpu_setBlock(pdata, blocklen);
blake512_cpu_setBlock(pdata, blocklen);
do {
uint32_t actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = throughput;
////// Compaction init
hefty_cpu_hash(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19]);
sha256_cpu_hash(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19]);
// Hier ist die längste CPU Wartephase. Deshalb ein strategisches MyStreamSynchronize() hier.
MyStreamSynchronize(NULL, 1, thr_id);
thrust::device_ptr<uint32_t> devNoncePtr(heavy_nonceVector[thr_id]);
thrust::device_ptr<uint32_t> devNoncePtrEnd((heavy_nonceVector[thr_id]) + throughput);
////// Compaction
uint64_t *t = (uint64_t*) target2;
devNoncePtrEnd = thrust::remove_if(devNoncePtr, devNoncePtrEnd, check_nonce_for_remove(*t, d_hash2output[thr_id], 8, pdata[19]));
actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = (uint32_t)(devNoncePtrEnd - devNoncePtr);
if(actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU == 0)
goto emptyNonceVector;
keccak512_cpu_hash(thr_id, actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU, pdata[19]);
////// Compaction
t = (uint64_t*) target3;
devNoncePtrEnd = thrust::remove_if(devNoncePtr, devNoncePtrEnd, check_nonce_for_remove(*t, d_hash3output[thr_id], 16, pdata[19]));
actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = (uint32_t)(devNoncePtrEnd - devNoncePtr);
if(actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU == 0)
goto emptyNonceVector;
blake512_cpu_hash(thr_id, actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU, pdata[19]);
////// Compaction
t = (uint64_t*) target5;
devNoncePtrEnd = thrust::remove_if(devNoncePtr, devNoncePtrEnd, check_nonce_for_remove(*t, d_hash5output[thr_id], 16, pdata[19]));
actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = (uint32_t)(devNoncePtrEnd - devNoncePtr);
if(actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU == 0)
goto emptyNonceVector;
groestl512_cpu_hash(thr_id, actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU, pdata[19]);
////// Compaction
t = (uint64_t*) target4;
devNoncePtrEnd = thrust::remove_if(devNoncePtr, devNoncePtrEnd, check_nonce_for_remove(*t, d_hash4output[thr_id], 16, pdata[19]));
actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = (uint32_t)(devNoncePtrEnd - devNoncePtr);
// todo (nvlabs cub ?)
actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU = 0;
if(actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU == 0)
goto emptyNonceVector;
// combine
combine_cpu_hash(thr_id, actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU, pdata[19], hash);
if (opt_tracegpu) {
applog(LOG_BLUE, "heavy GPU hash:");
// Ergebnisse kopieren
if(actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU > 0)
size_t size = sizeof(uint32_t) * actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU;
cudaMemcpy(cpu_nonceVector, heavy_nonceVector[thr_id], size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (uint32_t i=0; i < actualNumberOfValuesInNonceVectorGPU; i++)
uint32_t nonce = cpu_nonceVector[i];
uint32_t *foundhash = &hash[8*i];
if (foundhash[7] <= ptarget[7] && fulltest(foundhash, ptarget)) {
uint32_t vhash[8];
pdata[19] += nonce - pdata[19];
heavycoin_hash((uchar*)vhash, (uchar*)pdata, blocklen);
if (memcmp(vhash, foundhash, 32)) {
gpulog(LOG_WARNING, thr_id, "result for %08x does not validate on CPU!", nonce);
} else {
work_set_target_ratio(work, vhash);
rc = 1;
goto exit;
if ((uint64_t) throughput + pdata[19] >= max_nonce) {
pdata[19] = max_nonce;
pdata[19] += throughput;
} while (!work_restart[thr_id].restart);
*hashes_done = pdata[19] - first_nonce;
return rc;
// cleanup
extern "C" void free_heavy(int thr_id)
if (!init[thr_id])
init[thr_id] = false;
void heavycoin_hash(uchar* output, const uchar* input, int len)
unsigned char hash1[32];
unsigned char hash2[32];
uint32_t hash3[16];
uint32_t hash4[16];
uint32_t hash5[16];
uint32_t *final;
SHA256_CTX ctx;
sph_keccak512_context keccakCtx;
sph_groestl512_context groestlCtx;
sph_blake512_context blakeCtx;
HEFTY1(input, len, hash1);
/* HEFTY1 is new, so take an extra security measure to eliminate
* the possiblity of collisions:
* Hash(x) = SHA256(x + HEFTY1(x))
* N.B. '+' is concatenation.
SHA256_Update(&ctx, input, len);
SHA256_Update(&ctx, hash1, sizeof(hash1));
SHA256_Final(hash2, &ctx);
/* Additional security: Do not rely on a single cryptographic hash
* function. Instead, combine the outputs of 4 of the most secure
* cryptographic hash functions-- SHA256, KECCAK512, GROESTL512
* and BLAKE512.
sph_keccak512(&keccakCtx, input, len);
sph_keccak512(&keccakCtx, hash1, sizeof(hash1));
sph_keccak512_close(&keccakCtx, (void *)&hash3);
sph_groestl512(&groestlCtx, input, len);
sph_groestl512(&groestlCtx, hash1, sizeof(hash1));
sph_groestl512_close(&groestlCtx, (void *)&hash4);
sph_blake512(&blakeCtx, input, len);
sph_blake512(&blakeCtx, (unsigned char *)&hash1, sizeof(hash1));
sph_blake512_close(&blakeCtx, (void *)&hash5);
final = (uint32_t *)output;
combine_hashes(final, (uint32_t *)hash2, hash3, hash4, hash5);