GOSTCoin CUDA miner project, compatible with most nvidia cards, containing only gostd algo
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294 lines
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extern "C"
#include "sph/sph_blake.h"
#include "sph/sph_bmw.h"
#include "sph/sph_groestl.h"
#include "sph/sph_skein.h"
#include "sph/sph_jh.h"
#include "sph/sph_keccak.h"
#include "miner.h"
#include "cuda_helper.h"
static uint32_t *d_hash[MAX_GPUS];
// Speicher zur Generierung der Noncevektoren für die bedingten Hashes
static uint32_t *d_branch1Nonces[MAX_GPUS];
static uint32_t *d_branch2Nonces[MAX_GPUS];
static uint32_t *d_branch3Nonces[MAX_GPUS];
extern void quark_blake512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_blake512_cpu_free(int thr_id);
extern void quark_blake512_cpu_setBlock_80(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata);
extern void quark_blake512_cpu_hash_80(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_hash);
extern void quark_blake512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_bmw512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_bmw512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_groestl512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_groestl512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_doublegroestl512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_groestl512_cpu_free(int thr_id);
extern void quark_skein512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_skein512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_keccak512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_keccak512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_jh512_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_jh512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order);
extern void quark_compactTest_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void quark_compactTest_cpu_free(int thr_id);
extern void quark_compactTest_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *inpHashes, uint32_t *d_validNonceTable,
uint32_t *d_nonces1, uint32_t *nrm1,
uint32_t *d_nonces2, uint32_t *nrm2,
int order);
extern void quark_compactTest_single_false_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *inpHashes, uint32_t *d_validNonceTable,
uint32_t *d_nonces1, uint32_t *nrm1,
int order);
extern uint32_t cuda_check_hash_branch(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_inputHash, int order);
// Original Quarkhash Funktion aus einem miner Quelltext
extern "C" void quarkhash(void *state, const void *input)
unsigned char _ALIGN(128) hash[64];
sph_blake512_context ctx_blake;
sph_bmw512_context ctx_bmw;
sph_groestl512_context ctx_groestl;
sph_jh512_context ctx_jh;
sph_keccak512_context ctx_keccak;
sph_skein512_context ctx_skein;
sph_blake512 (&ctx_blake, input, 80);
sph_blake512_close(&ctx_blake, (void*) hash);
sph_bmw512 (&ctx_bmw, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_bmw512_close(&ctx_bmw, (void*) hash);
if (hash[0] & 0x8)
sph_groestl512 (&ctx_groestl, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_groestl512_close(&ctx_groestl, (void*) hash);
sph_skein512 (&ctx_skein, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_skein512_close(&ctx_skein, (void*) hash);
sph_groestl512 (&ctx_groestl, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_groestl512_close(&ctx_groestl, (void*) hash);
sph_jh512 (&ctx_jh, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_jh512_close(&ctx_jh, (void*) hash);
if (hash[0] & 0x8)
sph_blake512 (&ctx_blake, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_blake512_close(&ctx_blake, (void*) hash);
sph_bmw512 (&ctx_bmw, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_bmw512_close(&ctx_bmw, (void*) hash);
sph_keccak512 (&ctx_keccak, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_keccak512_close(&ctx_keccak, (void*) hash);
sph_skein512 (&ctx_skein, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_skein512_close(&ctx_skein, (void*) hash);
if (hash[0] & 0x8)
sph_keccak512 (&ctx_keccak, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_keccak512_close(&ctx_keccak, (void*) hash);
sph_jh512 (&ctx_jh, (const void*) hash, 64);
sph_jh512_close(&ctx_jh, (void*) hash);
memcpy(state, hash, 32);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define TRACE(algo) { \
if (max_nonce == 1 && pdata[19] <= 1) { \
uint32_t* debugbuf = NULL; \
cudaMallocHost(&debugbuf, 8*sizeof(uint32_t)); \
cudaMemcpy(debugbuf, d_hash[thr_id], 8*sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); \
printf("quark %s %08x %08x %08x %08x...\n", algo, swab32(debugbuf[0]), swab32(debugbuf[1]), \
swab32(debugbuf[2]), swab32(debugbuf[3])); \
cudaFreeHost(debugbuf); \
} \
#define TRACE(algo) {}
static bool init[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 };
extern "C" int scanhash_quark(int thr_id, struct work* work, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done)
uint32_t _ALIGN(64) endiandata[20];
uint32_t *pdata = work->data;
uint32_t *ptarget = work->target;
const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[19];
uint32_t throughput = cuda_default_throughput(thr_id, 1U << 20); // 256*4096
if (init[thr_id]) throughput = min(throughput, max_nonce - first_nonce);
if (opt_benchmark)
ptarget[7] = 0x00F;
if (!init[thr_id])
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&d_hash[thr_id], (size_t) 64 * throughput));
quark_blake512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_groestl512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_skein512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_bmw512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_keccak512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_jh512_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
cuda_check_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
quark_compactTest_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
cudaMalloc(&d_branch1Nonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t)*throughput);
cudaMalloc(&d_branch2Nonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t)*throughput);
cudaMalloc(&d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t)*throughput);
init[thr_id] = true;
for (int k=0; k < 20; k++)
be32enc(&endiandata[k], pdata[k]);
quark_blake512_cpu_setBlock_80(thr_id, endiandata);
do {
int order = 0;
uint32_t nrm1=0, nrm2=0, nrm3=0;
quark_blake512_cpu_hash_80(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id]); order++;
TRACE("blake :");
// das ist der unbedingte Branch für BMW512
quark_bmw512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], NULL, d_hash[thr_id], order++);
quark_compactTest_single_false_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], NULL,
d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], &nrm3,
// nur den Skein Branch weiterverfolgen
quark_skein512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// das ist der unbedingte Branch für Groestl512
quark_groestl512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// das ist der unbedingte Branch für JH512
quark_jh512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// quarkNonces in branch1 und branch2 aufsplitten gemäss if (hash[0] & 0x8)
quark_compactTest_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id],
d_branch1Nonces[thr_id], &nrm1,
d_branch2Nonces[thr_id], &nrm2,
// das ist der bedingte Branch für Blake512
quark_blake512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm1, pdata[19], d_branch1Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// das ist der bedingte Branch für Bmw512
quark_bmw512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm2, pdata[19], d_branch2Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// das ist der unbedingte Branch für Keccak512
quark_keccak512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// das ist der unbedingte Branch für Skein512
quark_skein512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
// quarkNonces in branch1 und branch2 aufsplitten gemäss if (hash[0] & 0x8)
quark_compactTest_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id],
d_branch1Nonces[thr_id], &nrm1,
d_branch2Nonces[thr_id], &nrm2,
quark_keccak512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm1, pdata[19], d_branch1Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
quark_jh512_cpu_hash_64(thr_id, nrm2, pdata[19], d_branch2Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
*hashes_done = pdata[19] - first_nonce + 1;
uint32_t foundNonce = cuda_check_hash_branch(thr_id, nrm3, pdata[19], d_branch3Nonces[thr_id], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
if (foundNonce != UINT32_MAX)
uint32_t vhash[8];
be32enc(&endiandata[19], foundNonce);
quarkhash(vhash, endiandata);
if (vhash[7] <= ptarget[7] && fulltest(vhash, ptarget)) {
work_set_target_ratio(work, vhash);
pdata[19] = foundNonce;
return 1;
} else {
gpulog(LOG_WARNING, thr_id, "result for %08x does not validate on CPU!", foundNonce);
applog_hash((uchar*) vhash);
applog_hash((uchar*) ptarget);
pdata[19] += throughput;
} while (pdata[19] < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);
*hashes_done = pdata[19] - first_nonce + 1;
return 0;
// cleanup
extern "C" void free_quark(int thr_id)
if (!init[thr_id])
init[thr_id] = false;