fix some algo weird hashrates (like blake) and reset device between algos, for better accuracy but this reset doesnt seems enough to bench all algos correctly... to test on linux, could be a driver issue... heavy: fix first alloc and indent with tabs...
195 lines
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195 lines
5.8 KiB
extern "C" {
#include "sph/sph_blake.h"
#include "sph/sph_groestl.h"
#include "sph/sph_skein.h"
#include "sph/sph_keccak.h"
#include "lyra2/Lyra2.h"
#include "miner.h"
#include "cuda_helper.h"
static uint64_t* d_hash[MAX_GPUS];
static uint64_t* d_matrix[MAX_GPUS];
extern void blake256_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void blake256_cpu_hash_80(const int thr_id, const uint32_t threads, const uint32_t startNonce, uint64_t *Hash, int order);
extern void blake256_cpu_setBlock_80(uint32_t *pdata);
extern void keccak256_cpu_hash_32(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNonce, uint64_t *d_outputHash, int order);
extern void keccak256_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void keccak256_cpu_free(int thr_id);
extern void skein256_cpu_hash_32(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNonce, uint64_t *d_outputHash, int order);
extern void skein256_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void lyra2_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint64_t *d_matrix);
extern void lyra2_cpu_hash_32(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNonce, uint64_t *d_outputHash, int order);
extern void groestl256_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads);
extern void groestl256_cpu_free(int thr_id);
extern void groestl256_setTarget(const void *ptarget);
extern uint32_t groestl256_cpu_hash_32(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint64_t *d_outputHash, int order);
extern uint32_t groestl256_getSecNonce(int thr_id, int num);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define TRACE(algo) { \
if (max_nonce == 1 && pdata[19] <= 1) { \
uint32_t* debugbuf = NULL; \
cudaMallocHost(&debugbuf, 8*sizeof(uint32_t)); \
cudaMemcpy(debugbuf, d_hash[thr_id], 8*sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); \
printf("lyra %s %08x %08x %08x %08x...\n", algo, swab32(debugbuf[0]), swab32(debugbuf[1]), \
swab32(debugbuf[2]), swab32(debugbuf[3])); \
cudaFreeHost(debugbuf); \
} \
#define TRACE(algo) {}
extern "C" void lyra2re_hash(void *state, const void *input)
uint32_t hashA[8], hashB[8];
sph_blake256_context ctx_blake;
sph_keccak256_context ctx_keccak;
sph_skein256_context ctx_skein;
sph_groestl256_context ctx_groestl;
sph_blake256(&ctx_blake, input, 80);
sph_blake256_close(&ctx_blake, hashA);
sph_keccak256(&ctx_keccak, hashA, 32);
sph_keccak256_close(&ctx_keccak, hashB);
LYRA2(hashA, 32, hashB, 32, hashB, 32, 1, 8, 8);
sph_skein256(&ctx_skein, hashA, 32);
sph_skein256_close(&ctx_skein, hashB);
sph_groestl256(&ctx_groestl, hashB, 32);
sph_groestl256_close(&ctx_groestl, hashA);
memcpy(state, hashA, 32);
static bool init[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 };
extern "C" int scanhash_lyra2(int thr_id, struct work* work, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done)
uint32_t *pdata = work->data;
uint32_t *ptarget = work->target;
const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[19];
int intensity = (device_sm[device_map[thr_id]] >= 500 && !is_windows()) ? 17 : 16;
uint32_t throughput = cuda_default_throughput(thr_id, 1U << intensity); // 18=256*256*4;
if (init[thr_id]) throughput = min(throughput, max_nonce - first_nonce);
if (opt_benchmark)
ptarget[7] = 0x000f;
if (!init[thr_id])
blake256_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
skein256_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
groestl256_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput);
// DMatrix
cudaMalloc(&d_matrix[thr_id], (size_t)16 * 8 * 8 * sizeof(uint64_t) * throughput);
lyra2_cpu_init(thr_id, throughput, d_matrix[thr_id]);
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&d_hash[thr_id], (size_t)32 * throughput));
init[thr_id] = true;
uint32_t _ALIGN(128) endiandata[20];
for (int k=0; k < 20; k++)
be32enc(&endiandata[k], pdata[k]);
do {
int order = 0;
uint32_t foundNonce;
blake256_cpu_hash_80(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
keccak256_cpu_hash_32(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
lyra2_cpu_hash_32(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
skein256_cpu_hash_32(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
*hashes_done = pdata[19] - first_nonce + throughput;
foundNonce = groestl256_cpu_hash_32(thr_id, throughput, pdata[19], d_hash[thr_id], order++);
if (foundNonce != UINT32_MAX)
uint32_t _ALIGN(64) vhash64[8];
be32enc(&endiandata[19], foundNonce);
lyra2re_hash(vhash64, endiandata);
if (vhash64[7] <= ptarget[7] && fulltest(vhash64, ptarget)) {
int res = 1;
uint32_t secNonce = groestl256_getSecNonce(thr_id, 1);
work_set_target_ratio(work, vhash64);
if (secNonce != UINT32_MAX)
be32enc(&endiandata[19], secNonce);
lyra2re_hash(vhash64, endiandata);
if (vhash64[7] <= ptarget[7] && fulltest(vhash64, ptarget)) {
if (opt_debug)
gpulog(LOG_BLUE, thr_id, "found second nonce %08x", secNonce);
if (bn_hash_target_ratio(vhash64, ptarget) > work->shareratio)
work_set_target_ratio(work, vhash64);
pdata[21] = secNonce;
pdata[19] = foundNonce;
return res;
} else {
gpulog(LOG_WARNING, thr_id, "result for %08x does not validate on CPU!", foundNonce);
if ((uint64_t)throughput + pdata[19] >= max_nonce) {
pdata[19] = max_nonce;
pdata[19] += throughput;
} while (!work_restart[thr_id].restart);
*hashes_done = pdata[19] - first_nonce;
return 0;
// cleanup
extern "C" void free_lyra2(int thr_id)
if (!init[thr_id])
init[thr_id] = false;