/* * Copyright 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! \file error_code.h * \brief An object used to hold error values, such as those originating from the * operating system or other low-level application program interfaces. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace thrust { namespace system { /*! \addtogroup system_diagnostics * \{ */ class error_condition; class error_code; /*! A metafunction returning whether or not the parameter is an \p error_code enum. */ template struct is_error_code_enum : public thrust::detail::false_type {}; /*! A metafunction returning whether or not the parameter is an \p error_condition enum. */ template struct is_error_condition_enum : public thrust::detail::false_type {}; // XXX N3092 prefers enum class errc { ... } namespace errc { enum errc_t { address_family_not_supported = detail::eafnosupport, address_in_use = detail::eaddrinuse, address_not_available = detail::eaddrnotavail, already_connected = detail::eisconn, argument_list_too_long = detail::e2big, argument_out_of_domain = detail::edom, bad_address = detail::efault, bad_file_descriptor = detail::ebadf, bad_message = detail::ebadmsg, broken_pipe = detail::epipe, connection_aborted = detail::econnaborted, connection_already_in_progress = detail::ealready, connection_refused = detail::econnrefused, connection_reset = detail::econnreset, cross_device_link = detail::exdev, destination_address_required = detail::edestaddrreq, device_or_resource_busy = detail::ebusy, directory_not_empty = detail::enotempty, executable_format_error = detail::enoexec, file_exists = detail::eexist, file_too_large = detail::efbig, filename_too_long = detail::enametoolong, function_not_supported = detail::enosys, host_unreachable = detail::ehostunreach, identifier_removed = detail::eidrm, illegal_byte_sequence = detail::eilseq, inappropriate_io_control_operation = detail::enotty, interrupted = detail::eintr, invalid_argument = detail::einval, invalid_seek = detail::espipe, io_error = detail::eio, is_a_directory = detail::eisdir, message_size = detail::emsgsize, network_down = detail::enetdown, network_reset = detail::enetreset, network_unreachable = detail::enetunreach, no_buffer_space = detail::enobufs, no_child_process = detail::echild, no_link = detail::enolink, no_lock_available = detail::enolck, no_message_available = detail::enodata, no_message = detail::enomsg, no_protocol_option = detail::enoprotoopt, no_space_on_device = detail::enospc, no_stream_resources = detail::enosr, no_such_device_or_address = detail::enxio, no_such_device = detail::enodev, no_such_file_or_directory = detail::enoent, no_such_process = detail::esrch, not_a_directory = detail::enotdir, not_a_socket = detail::enotsock, not_a_stream = detail::enostr, not_connected = detail::enotconn, not_enough_memory = detail::enomem, not_supported = detail::enotsup, operation_canceled = detail::ecanceled, operation_in_progress = detail::einprogress, operation_not_permitted = detail::eperm, operation_not_supported = detail::eopnotsupp, operation_would_block = detail::ewouldblock, owner_dead = detail::eownerdead, permission_denied = detail::eacces, protocol_error = detail::eproto, protocol_not_supported = detail::eprotonosupport, read_only_file_system = detail::erofs, resource_deadlock_would_occur = detail::edeadlk, resource_unavailable_try_again = detail::eagain, result_out_of_range = detail::erange, state_not_recoverable = detail::enotrecoverable, stream_timeout = detail::etime, text_file_busy = detail::etxtbsy, timed_out = detail::etimedout, too_many_files_open_in_system = detail::enfile, too_many_files_open = detail::emfile, too_many_links = detail::emlink, too_many_symbolic_link_levels = detail::eloop, value_too_large = detail::eoverflow, wrong_protocol_type = detail::eprototype }; // end errc_t } // end namespace errc /*! Specialization of \p is_error_condition_enum for \p errc::errc_t */ template<> struct is_error_condition_enum : public thrust::detail::true_type {}; // [] class error_category /*! \brief The class \p error_category serves as a base class for types used to identify the * source and encoding of a particular category of error code. Classes may be derived * from \p error_category to support categories of errors in addition to those defined * in the C++ International Standard. */ class error_category { public: /*! Destructor does nothing. */ inline virtual ~error_category(void); // XXX enable upon c++0x // error_category(const error_category &) = delete; // error_category &operator=(const error_category &) = delete; /*! \return A string naming the error category. */ inline virtual const char *name(void) const = 0; /*! \return \p error_condition(ev, *this). */ inline virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const; /*! \return default_error_condition(code) == condition */ inline virtual bool equivalent(int code, const error_condition &condition) const; /*! \return *this == code.category() && code.value() == condition */ inline virtual bool equivalent(const error_code &code, int condition) const; /*! \return A string that describes the error condition denoted by \p ev. */ virtual std::string message(int ev) const = 0; /*! \return *this == &rhs */ inline bool operator==(const error_category &rhs) const; /*! \return !(*this == rhs) */ inline bool operator!=(const error_category &rhs) const; /*! \return less()(this, &rhs) * \note \c less provides a total ordering for pointers. */ inline bool operator<(const error_category &rhs) const; }; // end error_category // [] error_category objects /*! \return A reference to an object of a type derived from class \p error_category. * \note The object's \p default_error_condition and \p equivalent virtual functions * shall behave as specified for the class \p error_category. The object's * \p name virtual function shall return a pointer to the string "generic". */ inline const error_category &generic_category(void); /*! \return A reference to an object of a type derived from class \p error_category. * \note The object's \p equivalent virtual functions shall behave as specified for * class \p error_category. The object's \p name virtual function shall return * a pointer to the string "system". The object's \p default_error_condition * virtual function shall behave as follows: * * If the argument ev corresponds to a POSIX errno value * \c posv, the function shall return error_condition(ev,generic_category()). * Otherwise, the function shall return error_condition(ev,system_category()). * What constitutes correspondence for any given operating system is unspecified. */ inline const error_category &system_category(void); // [19.5.2] Class error_code /*! \brief The class \p error_code describes an object used to hold error code values, such as * those originating from the operating system or other low-level application program * interfaces. */ class error_code { public: // [] constructors: /*! Effects: Constructs an object of type \p error_code. * \post value() == 0 and category() == &system_category(). */ inline error_code(void); /*! Effects: Constructs an object of type \p error_code. * \post value() == val and category() == &cat. */ inline error_code(int val, const error_category &cat); /*! Effects: Constructs an object of type \p error_code. * \post *this == make_error_code(e). */ template error_code(ErrorCodeEnum e // XXX WAR msvc's problem with enable_if #if THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC , typename thrust::detail::enable_if::value>::type * = 0 #endif // THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC ); // [] modifiers: /*! \post value() == val and category() == &cat. */ inline void assign(int val, const error_category &cat); /*! \post *this == make_error_code(e). */ template // XXX WAR msvc's problem with enable_if #if THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC typename thrust::detail::enable_if::value, error_code>::type & #else error_code & #endif // THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC operator=(ErrorCodeEnum e); /*! \post value() == 0 and category() == system_category(). */ inline void clear(void); // [] observers: /*! \return An integral value of this \p error_code object. */ inline int value(void) const; /*! \return An \p error_category describing the category of this \p error_code object. */ inline const error_category &category(void) const; /*! \return category().default_error_condition(). */ inline error_condition default_error_condition(void) const; /*! \return category().message(value()). */ inline std::string message(void) const; // XXX replace the below upon c++0x // inline explicit operator bool (void) const; /*! \return value() != 0. */ inline operator bool (void) const; /*! \cond */ private: int m_val; const error_category *m_cat; /*! \endcond */ }; // end error_code // [] Class error_code non-member functions // XXX replace errc::errc_t with errc upon c++0x /*! \return error_code(static_cast(e), generic_category()) */ inline error_code make_error_code(errc::errc_t e); /*! \return lhs.category() < rhs.category() || lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() < rhs.value(). */ inline bool operator<(const error_code &lhs, const error_code &rhs); /*! Effects: os << ec.category().name() << ':' << ec.value(). */ template std::basic_ostream& operator<<(std::basic_ostream& os, const error_code &ec); // [19.5.3] class error_condition /*! \brief The class \p error_condition describes an object used to hold values identifying * error conditions. * * \note \p error_condition values are portable abstractions, while \p error_code values * are implementation specific. */ class error_condition { public: // [] constructors /*! Constructs an object of type \p error_condition. * \post value() == 0. * \post category() == generic_category(). */ inline error_condition(void); /*! Constructs an object of type \p error_condition. * \post value() == val. * \post category() == cat. */ inline error_condition(int val, const error_category &cat); /*! Constructs an object of type \p error_condition. * \post *this == make_error_condition(e). * \note This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless * is_error_condition_enum::value is true. */ template error_condition(ErrorConditionEnum e // XXX WAR msvc's problem with enable_if #if THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC , typename thrust::detail::enable_if::value>::type * = 0 #endif // THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC ); // [] modifiers /*! Assigns to this \p error_code object from an error value and an \p error_category. * \param val The new value to return from value(). * \param cat The new \p error_category to return from category(). * \post value() == val. * \post category() == cat. */ inline void assign(int val, const error_category &cat); /*! Assigns to this \p error_code object from an error condition enumeration. * \return *this * \post *this == make_error_condition(e). * \note This operator shall not participate in overload resolution unless * is_error_condition_enum::value is true. */ template // XXX WAR msvc's problem with enable_if #if THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC typename thrust::detail::enable_if::value, error_condition>::type & #else error_condition & #endif // THRUST_HOST_COMPILER != THRUST_HOST_COMPILER_MSVC operator=(ErrorConditionEnum e); /*! Clears this \p error_code object. * \post value == 0 * \post category() == generic_category(). */ inline void clear(void); // [] observers /*! \return The value encoded by this \p error_condition. */ inline int value(void) const; /*! \return A const reference to the \p error_category encoded by this \p error_condition. */ inline const error_category &category(void) const; /*! \return category().message(value()). */ inline std::string message(void) const; // XXX replace below with this upon c++0x //explicit operator bool (void) const; /*! \return value() != 0. */ inline operator bool (void) const; /*! \cond */ private: int m_val; const error_category *m_cat; /*! \endcond */ }; // end error_condition // [] Class error_condition non-member functions // XXX replace errc::errc_t with errc upon c++0x /*! \return error_condition(static_cast(e), generic_category()). */ inline error_condition make_error_condition(errc::errc_t e); /*! \return lhs.category() < rhs.category() || lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() < rhs.value(). */ inline bool operator<(const error_condition &lhs, const error_condition &rhs); // [19.5.4] Comparison operators /*! \return lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() == rhs.value(). */ inline bool operator==(const error_code &lhs, const error_code &rhs); /*! \return lhs.category().equivalent(lhs.value(), rhs) || rhs.category().equivalent(lhs,rhs.value()). */ inline bool operator==(const error_code &lhs, const error_condition &rhs); /*! \return rhs.category().equivalent(lhs.value(), lhs) || lhs.category().equivalent(rhs, lhs.value()). */ inline bool operator==(const error_condition &lhs, const error_code &rhs); /*! \return lhs.category() == rhs.category() && lhs.value() == rhs.value() */ inline bool operator==(const error_condition &lhs, const error_condition &rhs); /*! \return !(lhs == rhs) */ inline bool operator!=(const error_code &lhs, const error_code &rhs); /*! \return !(lhs == rhs) */ inline bool operator!=(const error_code &lhs, const error_condition &rhs); /*! \return !(lhs == rhs) */ inline bool operator!=(const error_condition &lhs, const error_code &rhs); /*! \return !(lhs == rhs) */ inline bool operator!=(const error_condition &lhs, const error_condition &rhs); /*! \} // end system_diagnostics */ } // end system // import names into thrust:: using system::error_category; using system::error_code; using system::error_condition; using system::is_error_code_enum; using system::is_error_condition_enum; using system::make_error_code; using system::make_error_condition; // XXX replace with using system::errc upon c++0x namespace errc = system::errc; using system::generic_category; using system::system_category; } // end thrust #include #include #include