/* * Copyright 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! \file device_vector.h * \brief A dynamically-sizable array of elements which reside in the "device" memory space */ #pragma once #include <thrust/detail/config.h> #include <thrust/device_malloc_allocator.h> #include <thrust/detail/vector_base.h> #include <vector> namespace thrust { // forward declaration of host_vector template<typename T, typename Alloc> class host_vector; /*! \addtogroup container_classes Container Classes * \addtogroup device_containers Device Containers * \ingroup container_classes * \{ */ /*! A \p device_vector is a container that supports random access to elements, * constant time removal of elements at the end, and linear time insertion * and removal of elements at the beginning or in the middle. The number of * elements in a \p device_vector may vary dynamically; memory management is * automatic. The memory associated with a \p device_vector resides in the memory * space of a parallel device. * * \see http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html * \see host_vector */ template<typename T, typename Alloc = thrust::device_malloc_allocator<T> > class device_vector : public detail::vector_base<T,Alloc> { private: typedef detail::vector_base<T,Alloc> Parent; public: /*! \cond */ typedef typename Parent::size_type size_type; typedef typename Parent::value_type value_type; /*! \endcond */ /*! This constructor creates an empty \p device_vector. */ __host__ device_vector(void) :Parent() {} /*! This constructor creates a \p device_vector with the given * size. * \param n The number of elements to initially craete. */ __host__ explicit device_vector(size_type n) :Parent(n) {} /*! This constructor creates a \p device_vector with copies * of an exemplar element. * \param n The number of elements to initially create. * \param value An element to copy. */ __host__ explicit device_vector(size_type n, const value_type &value) :Parent(n,value) {} /*! Copy constructor copies from an exemplar \p device_vector. * \param v The \p device_vector to copy. */ __host__ device_vector(const device_vector &v) :Parent(v) {} /*! Copy constructor copies from an exemplar \p device_vector with different type. * \param v The \p device_vector to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __device__ device_vector(const device_vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v) :Parent(v) {} /*! Assign operator copies from an exemplar \p device_vector with different type. * \param v The \p device_vector to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __device__ device_vector &operator=(const device_vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v) { Parent::operator=(v); return *this; } /*! Copy constructor copies from an exemplar \c std::vector. * \param v The <tt>std::vector</tt> to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __host__ device_vector(const std::vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v) :Parent(v) {} /*! Assign operator copies from an exemplar <tt>std::vector</tt>. * \param v The <tt>std::vector</tt> to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __host__ device_vector &operator=(const std::vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v) { Parent::operator=(v); return *this;} /*! Copy constructor copies from an exemplar \p host_vector with possibly different type. * \param v The \p host_vector to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __host__ device_vector(const host_vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v); /*! Assign operator copies from an examplar \p host_vector. * \param v The \p host_vector to copy. */ template<typename OtherT, typename OtherAlloc> __host__ device_vector &operator=(const host_vector<OtherT,OtherAlloc> &v) { Parent::operator=(v); return *this; } /*! This constructor builds a \p device_vector from a range. * \param first The beginning of the range. * \param last The end of the range. */ template<typename InputIterator> __host__ device_vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) :Parent(first,last) {} // declare these members for the purpose of Doxygenating them // they actually exist in a derived-from class #if 0 /*! \brief Resizes this vector to the specified number of elements. * \param new_size Number of elements this vector should contain. * \param x Data with which new elements should be populated. * \throw std::length_error If n exceeds max_size(). * * This method will resize this vector to the specified number of * elements. If the number is smaller than this vector's current * size this vector is truncated, otherwise this vector is * extended and new elements are populated with given data. */ void resize(size_type new_size, const value_type &x = value_type()); /*! Returns the number of elements in this vector. */ size_type size(void) const; /*! Returns the size() of the largest possible vector. * \return The largest possible return value of size(). */ size_type max_size(void) const; /*! \brief If n is less than or equal to capacity(), this call has no effect. * Otherwise, this method is a request for allocation of additional memory. If * the request is successful, then capacity() is greater than or equal to * n; otherwise, capacity() is unchanged. In either case, size() is unchanged. * \throw std::length_error If n exceeds max_size(). */ void reserve(size_type n); /*! Returns the number of elements which have been reserved in this * vector. */ size_type capacity(void) const; /*! This method shrinks the capacity of this vector to exactly * fit its elements. */ void shrink_to_fit(void); /*! \brief Subscript access to the data contained in this vector_dev. * \param n The index of the element for which data should be accessed. * \return Read/write reference to data. * * This operator allows for easy, array-style, data access. * Note that data access with this operator is unchecked and * out_of_range lookups are not defined. */ reference operator[](size_type n); /*! \brief Subscript read access to the data contained in this vector_dev. * \param n The index of the element for which data should be accessed. * \return Read reference to data. * * This operator allows for easy, array-style, data access. * Note that data access with this operator is unchecked and * out_of_range lookups are not defined. */ const_reference operator[](size_type n) const; /*! This method returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of * this vector. * \return mStart */ iterator begin(void); /*! This method returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning * of this vector. * \return mStart */ const_iterator begin(void) const; /*! This method returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning * of this vector. * \return mStart */ const_iterator cbegin(void) const; /*! This method returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of * this vector's reversed sequence. * \return A reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of this * vector's reversed sequence. */ reverse_iterator rbegin(void); /*! This method returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of * this vector's reversed sequence. * \return A const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of this * vector's reversed sequence. */ const_reverse_iterator rbegin(void) const; /*! This method returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of * this vector's reversed sequence. * \return A const_reverse_iterator pointing to the beginning of this * vector's reversed sequence. */ const_reverse_iterator crbegin(void) const; /*! This method returns an iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector. * \return begin() + size(). */ iterator end(void); /*! This method returns a const_iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector. * \return begin() + size(). */ const_iterator end(void) const; /*! This method returns a const_iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector. * \return begin() + size(). */ const_iterator cend(void) const; /*! This method returns a reverse_iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector's reversed sequence. * \return rbegin() + size(). */ reverse_iterator rend(void); /*! This method returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector's reversed sequence. * \return rbegin() + size(). */ const_reverse_iterator rend(void) const; /*! This method returns a const_reverse_iterator pointing to one element past the * last of this vector's reversed sequence. * \return rbegin() + size(). */ const_reverse_iterator crend(void) const; /*! This method returns a const_reference referring to the first element of this * vector. * \return The first element of this vector. */ const_reference front(void) const; /*! This method returns a reference pointing to the first element of this * vector. * \return The first element of this vector. */ reference front(void); /*! This method returns a const reference pointing to the last element of * this vector. * \return The last element of this vector. */ const_reference back(void) const; /*! This method returns a reference referring to the last element of * this vector_dev. * \return The last element of this vector. */ reference back(void); /*! This method returns a pointer to this vector's first element. * \return A pointer to the first element of this vector. */ pointer data(void); /*! This method returns a const_pointer to this vector's first element. * \return a const_pointer to the first element of this vector. */ const_pointer data(void) const; /*! This method resizes this vector to 0. */ void clear(void); /*! This method returns true iff size() == 0. * \return true if size() == 0; false, otherwise. */ bool empty(void) const; /*! This method appends the given element to the end of this vector. * \param x The element to append. */ void push_back(const value_type &x); /*! This method erases the last element of this vector, invalidating * all iterators and references to it. */ void pop_back(void); /*! This method swaps the contents of this vector_base with another vector. * \param v The vector with which to swap. */ void swap(device_vector &v); /*! This method removes the element at position pos. * \param pos The position of the element of interest. * \return An iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the element * at position pos. */ iterator erase(iterator pos); /*! This method removes the range of elements [first,last) from this vector. * \param first The beginning of the range of elements to remove. * \param last The end of the range of elements to remove. * \return An iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last * element in the sequence [first,last). */ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last); /*! This method inserts a single copy of a given exemplar value at the * specified position in this vector. * \param position The insertion position. * \param x The exemplar element to copy & insert. * \return An iterator pointing to the newly inserted element. */ iterator insert(iterator position, const T &x); /*! This method inserts a copy of an exemplar value to a range at the * specified position in this vector. * \param position The insertion position * \param n The number of insertions to perform. * \param x The value to replicate and insert. */ void insert(iterator position, size_type n, const T &x); /*! This method inserts a copy of an input range at the specified position * in this vector. * \param position The insertion position. * \param first The beginning of the range to copy. * \param last The end of the range to copy. * * \tparam InputIterator is a model of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html>Input Iterator</a>, * and \p InputIterator's \c value_type is a model of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Assignable.html">Assignable</a>. */ template<typename InputIterator> void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last); /*! This version of \p assign replicates a given exemplar * \p n times into this vector. * \param n The number of times to copy \p x. * \param x The exemplar element to replicate. */ void assign(size_type n, const T &x); /*! This version of \p assign makes this vector a copy of a given input range. * \param first The beginning of the range to copy. * \param last The end of the range to copy. * * \tparam InputIterator is a model of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator">Input Iterator</a>. */ template<typename InputIterator> void assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last); /*! This method returns a copy of this vector's allocator. * \return A copy of the alloctor used by this vector. */ allocator_type get_allocator(void) const; #endif // end doxygen-only members }; // end device_vector /*! \} */ } // end thrust #include <thrust/detail/device_vector.inl>