Tanguy Pruvot
cuda: store device SM in a global var
sample usage made for blake and fugue (higher intensity for SM5.2)
add these to cuda_helper and clean unused code
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Handle intensity param in all algos
and add a check related to start/max nounce params
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Move common check_cpu functions to root
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
sources: swith to UTF-8
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Remove duplicated defines present in cuda_helper.h
also add cudaDeviceReset() on Ctrl+C for nvprof
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
cuda: check for errors on cuda mem alloc
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
x10 funcs cleanup, we dont need host constant tables
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Implement x14 (cuda + cpu functions)
Project was updated for VS2013 and CUDA SDK 6.5
add also a --cputest function to dump cpu hash results
TODO: x15 is not fully functional, but first loop seems ok
Signed-off-by: Tanguy Pruvot <tanguy.pruvot@gmail.com>
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
adding third party X13 and Diamond Groestl code contributions.
11 years ago