Tanguy Pruvot
cuda: store device SM in a global var
sample usage made for blake and fugue (higher intensity for SM5.2)
add these to cuda_helper and clean unused code
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Handle intensity param in all algos
and add a check related to start/max nounce params
10 years ago
x11: echo and cubehash optimization
echo : 40.056ms -> 39.241ms
cube : 14.490ms -> 13.511ms
cube hash change look like useless (__device__ code in generally inlined)
but the reality proves that cuda documentation is wrong...
tpruvot: fixed dos lines ending in echo,
and used my style for cuda function attributes
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
s3: reduce a bit the intensity on windows
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Add S3 Algo (1Coin)
Simple addition of the algo using existing X11 code
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
simd: then reindent the code
no changes, only error checks (cuda safe call)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
optimize x11 simd512 (+100KH/s)
change picked from tsiv repo
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
cubehash and luffa funnel shit (from klaus)
No gain... but i like this define, more readable in luffa ;)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Tune quark part of Xn funcs
based on klaus commits, will increase a bit speed of most algos
PS: main increase is due to the register count tuning in Makefile
and for skein512 on linux, its the ROTL64
but almost no changes on X11 : 2648MH/s vs 2630 before
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Move common check_cpu functions to root
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
x11: adapt some blake 256 opts to 512 one
blake512: for the moment 6.2ms vs 7.12 before (+10%)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
sources: swith to UTF-8
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
small reg tunes, rename whirlcoin to whirl
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Add whirlcoin and optimize x11 luffa (maxrregcount)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
x11: restore simd host2dev memcpytosymbol to reduce used cmem
Remove define attempts for SM 2.1 devices, fermi is not compatible
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Add fresh algo (based on djm34 code)
Cleaned up and adapted to my changes (cputest added)
Remove Makefile.in which should be in gitignore
(Plz refresh it with ./config.sh to compile on linux)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Remove duplicated defines present in cuda_helper.h
also add cudaDeviceReset() on Ctrl+C for nvprof
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
cuda: check for errors on cuda mem alloc
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Win32 build fix after linux work (configure)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
x10 funcs cleanup, we dont need host constant tables
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Try to restore compat with 2.1 devices (GTX 460)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Implement x14 (cuda + cpu functions)
Project was updated for VS2013 and CUDA SDK 6.5
add also a --cputest function to dump cpu hash results
TODO: x15 is not fully functional, but first loop seems ok
Signed-off-by: Tanguy Pruvot <tanguy.pruvot@gmail.com>
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
adding third party X13 and Diamond Groestl code contributions.
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision V1.1 with Killer Groestl
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
massive speed upgrade for the SIMD hash. AMD, be afraid.
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
Simplification of the SIMD hash code (remove unnecessary lookup tables), increase X11 throughput value somewhat
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
v1.0 - Yo, I heard y'all like X11
11 years ago