Tanguy Pruvot
Allow test of SM 2.1/3.0 binaries on newer cards
Implementation based on klausT work.. a bit different
This code must be placed in a common .cu file,
cuda.cpp is not compiled with nvcc and doesnt allow cuda code...
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
cleanup: use unsigned throughput parameters
Yes, its a big commit, was waiting 1.6 to do that...
Sorry for your possible merge issues ;)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
keccak uint2 optimisation for SM>3.0 (x11 +40KH/s)
based on djm34 keccak 256-bit changes, and keep SM3.0 compat
affect most other algos too (quark, nist5, x13...)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
various extern cleanup + api history uids and gpu SM
uids could be useful to create graphes from history data
Note: please do a clean build after this commit (changes in miner.h)
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Add whirlcoin and optimize x11 luffa (maxrregcount)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Remove duplicated defines present in cuda_helper.h
also add cudaDeviceReset() on Ctrl+C for nvprof
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision V1.1 with Killer Groestl
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision v0.9 (VC++ project files not updated yet)
11 years ago