Tanguy Pruvot
skein: uint2 optimisation with SM 3.0 compat (+15KH)
Thanks to sp and djm34 for this fast uint64 storage alternative
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
cuda: store device SM in a global var
sample usage made for blake and fugue (higher intensity for SM5.2)
add these to cuda_helper and clean unused code
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
update readme and fix SM 3.0 build
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Tune quark part of Xn funcs
based on klaus commits, will increase a bit speed of most algos
PS: main increase is due to the register count tuning in Makefile
and for skein512 on linux, its the ROTL64
but almost no changes on X11 : 2648MH/s vs 2630 before
10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
quark: dos2unix files to reduce problems later
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Add whirlcoin and optimize x11 luffa (maxrregcount)
11 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot
Remove duplicated defines present in cuda_helper.h
also add cudaDeviceReset() on Ctrl+C for nvprof
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision V1.1 with Killer Groestl
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision v0.9 (VC++ project files not updated yet)
11 years ago
Christian Buchner
bump to revision 0.7
11 years ago