GOSTCoin CUDA miner project, compatible with most nvidia cards, containing only gostd algo
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* Copyright 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <thrust/detail/allocator/destroy_range.h>
#include <thrust/detail/allocator/allocator_traits.h>
#include <thrust/detail/type_traits/pointer_traits.h>
#include <thrust/for_each.h>
#include <memory>
namespace thrust
namespace detail
namespace allocator_traits_detail
// destroy_range has three cases:
// if Allocator has an effectful member function destroy:
// 1. destroy via the allocator
// else
// 2. if T has a non-trivial destructor, destroy the range without using the allocator
// 3. if T has a trivial destructor, do a no-op
template<typename Allocator, typename T>
struct has_effectful_member_destroy
: has_member_destroy<Allocator,T>
// std::allocator::destroy's only effect is to invoke its argument's destructor
template<typename U, typename T>
struct has_effectful_member_destroy<std::allocator<U>, T>
: thrust::detail::false_type
// case 1: Allocator has an effectful 1-argument member function "destroy"
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer>
struct enable_if_destroy_range_case1
: thrust::detail::enable_if<
typename pointer_element<Pointer>::type
// case 2: Allocator has no member function "destroy", but T has a non-trivial destructor
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer>
struct enable_if_destroy_range_case2
: thrust::detail::enable_if<
typename pointer_element<Pointer>::type
>::value &&
typename pointer_element<Pointer>::type
// case 3: Allocator has no member function "destroy", and T has a trivial destructor
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer>
struct enable_if_destroy_range_case3
: thrust::detail::enable_if<
typename pointer_element<Pointer>::type
>::value &&
typename pointer_element<Pointer>::type
template<typename Allocator>
struct destroy_via_allocator
Allocator &a;
destroy_via_allocator(Allocator &a)
: a(a)
template<typename T>
inline __host__ __device__
void operator()(T &x)
allocator_traits<Allocator>::destroy(a, &x);
// destroy_range case 1: destroy via allocator
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer, typename Size>
typename enable_if_destroy_range_case1<Allocator,Pointer>::type
destroy_range(Allocator &a, Pointer p, Size n)
thrust::for_each_n(allocator_system<Allocator>::get(a), p, n, destroy_via_allocator<Allocator>(a));
// we must prepare for His coming
struct gozer
template<typename T>
inline __host__ __device__
void operator()(T &x)
// destroy_range case 2: destroy without the allocator
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer, typename Size>
typename enable_if_destroy_range_case2<Allocator,Pointer>::type
destroy_range(Allocator &a, Pointer p, Size n)
thrust::for_each_n(allocator_system<Allocator>::get(a), p, n, gozer());
// destroy_range case 3: no-op
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer, typename Size>
typename enable_if_destroy_range_case3<Allocator,Pointer>::type
destroy_range(Allocator &, Pointer, Size)
// no op
} // end allocator_traits_detail
template<typename Allocator, typename Pointer, typename Size>
void destroy_range(Allocator &a, Pointer p, Size n)
return allocator_traits_detail::destroy_range(a,p,n);
} // end detail
} // end thrust