2 years ago
5 changed files with 529 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
var tabelaPeriodica = { |
'H': {'energia': 4.5}, |
'He': {'energia': 24.6}, |
'Li': {'energia': 5.4}, |
'Be': {'energia': 9.3}, |
'B': {'energia': 8.3}, |
'C': {'energia': 7.5}, |
'N': {'energia': 10.0}, |
'O': {'energia': 12.0}, |
'F': {'energia': 15.0}, |
'Ne': {'energia': 21.6}, |
'Na': {'energia': 5.1}, |
'Mg': {'energia': 7.6}, |
'Al': {'energia': 5.9}, |
'Si': {'energia': 8.2}, |
'P': {'energia': 10.5}, |
'S': {'energia': 10.4}, |
'Cl': {'energia': 12.0}, |
'Ar': {'energia': 15.8}, |
'K': {'energia': 4.3}, |
'Ca': {'energia': 6.1}, |
'Sc': {'energia': 6.6}, |
'Ti': {'energia': 6.8}, |
'V':{'energia' :6.7 }, |
'Cr':{'energia' :6.8 }, |
'Mn':{'energia' :7.4 }, |
'Fe':{'energia' :7.9 }, |
'Co':{'energia' :7.7 }, |
'Ni':{'energia' :7.6 }, |
'Cu':{'energia' :7.7 }, |
'Zn':{'energia' :9.4 }, |
'Ga':{'energia' :5.9 }, |
'Ge':{'energia' :7.9 }, |
'As':{'energia' :9.8 }, |
'Se':{'energia' :9.8 }, |
'Br':{'energia' :11.8 }, |
'Kr':{'energia' :14.0 }, |
'Rb':{'energia' :4.2 }, |
'Sr':{'energia' :5.0 }, |
'Y':{'energia' :6.2 }, |
'Zr':{'energia' :6.6 }, |
'Nb':{'energia' :6.8 }, |
'Mo':{'energia' :7.1 }, |
'Tc':{'energia' :7.3 }, |
'Ru':{'energia' :7.2 }, |
'Rh':{'energia' :7.5 }, |
'Pd':{'energia' :8.3 }, |
'Ag':{'energia' :7.6 }, |
'Cd':{'energia' :8.9 }, |
'In':{'energia' :5.8 }, |
'Sn':{'energia' :7.3 }, |
'Sb':{'energia' :8.6 }, |
'Te':{'energia' :9.0 }, |
'I':{'energia' :10.5 }, |
"Xe": {"energy":12} |
}; |
function calcularEnergiaMolecula() { |
var smiles = document.getElementById("smiles").value; |
var molecula = converterSMILESParaMolecula(smiles); |
var energiaMolecula = calcularEnergia(molecula); |
document.getElementById("outputMolEnergy").innerHTML = "A energia total da molécula é: " + energiaMolecula + " eV"; |
// Get the existing button element by its ID
var existingButton = document.getElementById("molEnergycaleV"); |
// Attach an event listener to the button that calls navigator.clipboard.writeText()
existingButton.addEventListener("click", function() { |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(energiaMolecula); |
}); |
} |
function converterSMILESParaMolecula(smiles) { |
var molecula = {}; |
var i = 0; |
while (i < smiles.length) { |
var elemento = ''; |
var quantidade = 1; |
if (smiles[i].toUpperCase() === smiles[i]) { |
elemento = smiles[i]; |
i++; |
if (i < smiles.length && smiles[i].toLowerCase() === smiles[i]) { |
elemento += smiles[i]; |
i++; |
} |
} |
if (i < smiles.length && !isNaN(parseInt(smiles[i]))) { |
quantidade = parseInt(smiles[i]); |
i++; |
} |
if (elemento in molecula) { |
molecula[elemento] += quantidade; |
} else { |
molecula[elemento] = quantidade; |
} |
} |
return molecula; |
} |
function calcularEnergia(molecula) { |
var energiaTotal = 0; |
for (var elemento in molecula) { |
if (molecula.hasOwnProperty(elemento)) { |
var quantidade = molecula[elemento]; |
var energiaAtomo = tabelaPeriodica[elemento]['energia']; |
energiaTotal += energiaAtomo * quantidade; |
} |
} |
return energiaTotal; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function generateFissionMolecule() { |
var moleculeName = "FissionMolecule"; |
var atoms = []; |
var bonds = []; |
var periodicTable = [ |
{ symbol: "U", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Pu", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Np", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Am", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Cm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Bk", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Cf", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Es", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Fm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Md", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "No", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Lr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 } |
]; |
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { |
var x = i - 6; |
var y = 0; |
var z = 0; |
var element = periodicTable[i]; |
var atomType = element.symbol; |
atoms.push([x, y, z, atomType]); |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) { |
var atom1 = i; |
var atom2 = i + 1; |
var bondType = 1; |
bonds.push([atom1, atom2, bondType]); |
} |
var molecule = "Molecule Name\n " + moleculeName + " 0 0.00000 0.00000 0\n[Insert Comment Here]\n 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 V2000\n"; |
for (var i = 0; i < atoms.length; i++) { |
var atom = atoms[i]; |
var x = atom[0]; |
var y = atom[1]; |
var z = atom[2]; |
var atomType = atom[3]; |
molecule += " " + x.toFixed(4) + " " + y.toFixed(4) + " " + z.toFixed(4) + " " + atomType + " 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < bonds.length; i++) { |
var bond = bonds[i]; |
var atom1 = bond[0] + 1; |
var atom2 = bond[1] + 1; |
var bondType = bond[2]; |
molecule += " " + atom1 + " " + atom2 + " " + bondType + " 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
molecule += "M END\n> <DATE>\n07-08-2009\n"; |
// Exibir o resultado no campo de texto
var outputTextarea = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3"); |
outputTextarea.value = molecule; |
} |
function saveMolecule3() { |
var moleculeText = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").value; |
var blob = new Blob([moleculeText], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = url; |
link.download = 'molecule.mol'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
} |
function copymolecule3() { |
var outputElement = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3"); |
outputElement.select(); |
document.execCommand("copy"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
function generateMolecule2() { |
var moleculeName = "CHEMDOOD" + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000000)).padStart(11, '0'); |
var atoms = []; |
var bonds = []; |
var periodicTable = [ |
{ symbol: "H", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "He", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "Li", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Be", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "B", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "C", minBonds: 4, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "N", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "O", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "F", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Ne", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "Na", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Mg", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "Al", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "Si", minBonds: 4, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "P", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "S", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Cl", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Ar", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "K", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Ca", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "Sc", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "Ti", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "V", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "Cr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Mn", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Fe", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Co", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Ni", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Cu", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Zn", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "Ga", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Ge", minBonds: 4, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "As", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "Se", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "Br", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Kr", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "Rb", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Sr", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "Y", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "Zr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "Nb", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "Mo", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Tc", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Ru", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Rh", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Pd", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Ag", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Cd", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "In", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Sn", minBonds: 4, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "Sb", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "Te", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "I", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Xe", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "Cs", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Ba", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "La", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "Ce", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "Pr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "Nd", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Pm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Sm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Eu", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Gd", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Tb", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Dy", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "Ho", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Er", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "Tm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "Yb", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "Hf", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "Ta", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "W", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Re", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Os", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Ir", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Pt", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Au", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Hg", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "Tl", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Pb", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "Bi", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "Po", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "At", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Rn", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 0 }, |
{ symbol: "Fr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 1 }, |
{ symbol: "Ra", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 2 }, |
{ symbol: "Ac", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 3 }, |
{ symbol: "Th", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "Pa", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "U", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Np", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Pu", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Am", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Cm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Bk", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Cf", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "Es", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Fm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "Md", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "No", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "Lr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 17 }, |
{ symbol: "Rf", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 4 }, |
{ symbol: "Db", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 5 }, |
{ symbol: "Sg", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Bh", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 7 }, |
{ symbol: "Hs", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 8 }, |
{ symbol: "Mt", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 9 }, |
{ symbol: "Ds", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 10 }, |
{ symbol: "Rg", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 11 }, |
{ symbol: "Cn", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 12 }, |
{ symbol: "Nh", minBonds: 3, maxBonds: 13 }, |
{ symbol: "Fl", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 14 }, |
{ symbol: "Mc", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 15 }, |
{ symbol: "Lv", minBonds: 2, maxBonds: 16 }, |
{ symbol: "Ts", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 17 }, |
{ symbol: "Og", minBonds: 0, maxBonds: 18 } |
]; |
for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { |
var x = Math.round(Math.random() * 4 - 2, 4); |
var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4 - 2, 4); |
var z = Math.round(Math.random() * 4 - 2, 4); |
// Randomly select an element from the periodic table
var element = periodicTable[Math.floor(Math.random() * periodicTable.length)]; |
var atomType = element.symbol; |
atoms.push([x, y, z, atomType]); |
} |
for (var i = 1; i <= 14; i++) { |
var numBonds = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); |
var connectedAtoms = []; |
while (connectedAtoms.length < numBonds) { |
var atom = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14 + 1); |
if (connectedAtoms.indexOf(atom) === -1 && atom !== i) { |
connectedAtoms.push(atom); |
var bondType = Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : 2; |
var bond = [i, atom, bondType]; |
if (!bonds.find(function(existingBond) { |
return existingBond[0] === bond[0] && existingBond[1] === bond[1] && existingBond[2] === bond[2]; |
})) { |
bonds.push(bond); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
var molecule = "Molecule Name\n " + moleculeName + " 0 0.00000 0.00000 0\n[Insert Comment Here]\n 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 V2000\n"; |
for (var i = 0; i < atoms.length; i++) { |
var atom = atoms[i]; |
var x = atom[0]; |
var y = atom[1]; |
var z = atom[2]; |
var atomType = atom[3]; |
molecule += " " + x.toFixed(4) + " " + y.toFixed(4) + " " + z.toFixed(4) + " " + atomType + " 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < bonds.length; i++) { |
var bond = bonds[i]; |
var atom1 = bond[0]; |
var atom2 = bond[1]; |
var bondType = bond[2]; |
molecule += " " + atom1 + " " + atom2 + " " + bondType + " 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
molecule += "M END\n> <DATE>\n07-08-2009\n"; |
// Exibir o resultado no campo de texto
var outputTextarea = document.getElementById("outputTextarea2"); |
outputTextarea.value = molecule; |
} |
function saveMolecule2() { |
var moleculeText = document.getElementById("outputTextarea2").value; |
var blob = new Blob([moleculeText], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = url; |
link.download = 'molecule.mol'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
} |
function copymolecule2() { |
var outputElement = document.getElementById("outputTextarea2"); |
outputElement.select(); |
document.execCommand("copy"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function generateHighEnergyMolecule() { |
var moleculeName = "HighEnergyMolecule"; |
var atoms = []; |
var bonds = []; |
var periodicTable = [ |
{ symbol: "U", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Pu", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Np", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Am", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Cm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Bk", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Cf", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Es", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Fm", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Md", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "No", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 }, |
{ symbol: "Lr", minBonds: 1, maxBonds: 6 } |
]; |
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { |
var x = i - 6; |
var y = 0; |
var z = 0; |
var element = periodicTable[i]; |
var atomType = element.symbol; |
atoms.push([x, y, z, atomType]); |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) { |
var atom1 = i; |
var atom2 = i + 1; |
var bondType = 2; // Increase the bond type to 2 (representing higher energy)
bonds.push([atom1, atom2, bondType]); |
} |
var molecule = "Molecule Name\n " + moleculeName + " 0 0.00000 0.00000 0\n[Insert Comment Here]\n 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 V2000\n"; |
for (var i = 0; i < atoms.length; i++) { |
var atom = atoms[i]; |
var x = atom[0]; |
var y = atom[1]; |
var z = atom[2]; |
var atomType = atom[3]; |
molecule += " " + x.toFixed(4) + " " + y.toFixed(4) + " " + z.toFixed(4) + " " + atomType + " 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < bonds.length; i++) { |
var bond = bonds[i]; |
var atom1 = bond[0] + 1; |
var atom2 = bond[1] + 1; |
var bondType = bond[2]; |
molecule += " " + atom1 + " " + atom2 + " " + bondType + " 0 0 0 0\n"; |
} |
molecule += "M END\n> <DATE>\n07-08-2009\n"; |
// Exibir o resultado no campo de texto
var outputTextarea = document.getElementById("outputTextarea4"); |
outputTextarea.value = molecule; |
} |
function saveMolecule4() { |
var moleculeText = document.getElementById("outputTextarea4").value; |
var blob = new Blob([moleculeText], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = url; |
link.download = 'molecule.mol'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
} |
function copymolecule4() { |
var outputElement = document.getElementById("outputTextarea4"); |
outputElement.select(); |
document.execCommand("copy"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
function gerarHEsmiles() { |
var simbolosAtomos = ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'Cl']; |
var comprimentoMolecula = Math.floor(Math.random() * (15 - 5 + 1)) + 5; |
var smiles = ''; |
for (var i = 0; i < comprimentoMolecula; i++) { |
var simbolo = simbolosAtomos[Math.floor(Math.random() * simbolosAtomos.length)]; |
smiles += simbolo; |
} |
document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").innerHTML = smiles; |
} |
function saveMolecule3() { |
var moleculeText = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").value; |
var blob = new Blob([moleculeText], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = url; |
link.download = 'molecule.mol'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
} |
function copyOutput3() { |
const output = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").textContent; |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(output); |
} |
function gerarHEsmiles() { |
var simbolosAtomos = ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'P', 'S', 'Cl']; |
var comprimentoMolecula = Math.floor(Math.random() * (15 - 5 + 1)) + 5; |
var smiles = ''; |
for (var i = 0; i < comprimentoMolecula; i++) { |
var simbolo = simbolosAtomos[Math.floor(Math.random() * simbolosAtomos.length)]; |
smiles += simbolo; |
} |
document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").innerHTML = smiles; |
} |
function saveMolecule3() { |
var moleculeText = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").value; |
var blob = new Blob([moleculeText], { type: 'text/plain' }); |
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
var link = document.createElement('a'); |
link.href = url; |
link.download = 'molecule.mol'; |
document.body.appendChild(link); |
link.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(link); |
} |
function copyOutput3() { |
const output = document.getElementById("outputTextarea3").textContent; |
navigator.clipboard.writeText(output); |
} |
Reference in new issue